
The Power of Vulnerability

1. Is being vulnerable a weakness or courageous?

2. Is there something I am holding back on to keep from being vulnerable?

3. What situations can I identify where I can allow myself to be more vulnerable?

Many people fear the emotional harm of being rejected, and by doing so, they become guarded and cautious. Are you able to take the risk to open up your heart to a spouse, family, and/or friend? Our society tends to view vulnerability as a weakness. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable takes courage, and courage is clearly not a weakness. The fear of rejection is a powerful emotion that limits people's potential, as well as their ability to be authentic. It discourages people from writing their book, getting out of a dysfunctional relationship, self sabotaging a job promotion, and/or starting a business. Take some time to view this week's blogisode and think about your position of vulnerability.

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