
Living GYMO: Individual Insights ~ Finding the Right Fit

Do you have the courage to follow your dreams?

How do you know when something is a "good fit"?

Do you make decisions regarding fit using your mind or your heart?

Fit is a feeling. Listening to our heart's feelings is our intuition guiding us in the right direction. Trusting our internal emotions helps us understand whether we are good fit for a job, role, company, and/or group. In our second blogisode of Living Get Your Mind On, Ethan Stohs, freshman at Webster University, explains how he felt emotional engaged and excited when visiting the campus, unlike many other campuses visited. His internal knowing led him to attending, studying audio production, based on his passion for music. His passion for digital production was evident in many childhood behaviors. Ethan is thriving in school because he took the time to discover the right fit. Too many people lack the self-confidence to follow their dreams. Our creative desires are deflated when we are trapped in a situation where we are constricted due to a poor fit. Taking the steps to discover one's passion leads us to discovering the right fit. What actions are you taking to discover "the right fit" in your life?

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